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Booker’s Soul Food Starter Kits bring southern cooking to your home in a snap. Husband and wife team Claude and Crystal Booker cultivated their cherished family recipes into pantry-ready seasoning kits that make it easy to prepare downhome cooked meals on your own.

No need to worry about too much salt, too little sugar, or not enough time. Booker provides you with just the right amount of seasoning to make southern sides simple.

All you do is buy the produce – some peaches, a few yams, a bunch of collard greens, or shredded cheese – and follow the simple steps outlined on the package. Customize your kits to fit your family’s tastes and preferences. Bring the ingredients you love and make each side your own.

While Booker’s kits bring families to the table, they also support Black education. Each Soul Food Starter Kit that you purchase helps further the education of our nation’s African-American youth.

Claude Booker, M.S., grew up in rural Spartanburg, South Carolina, eating home-cooked meals made with vegetables from his grandmother’s four-acre garden, livestock raised on a neighbor’s farm, or quails and other animals from his hunting expeditions.

Proudly country to the core and classically trained, Booker attained his Associate of Science degree in Culinary Arts, Bachelor of Science in Food Service Management, and Master of Science in Managerial Technology.

The Booker’s Soul Food Education Fund, housed in the Spartanburg County Foundation, donates to 501c3 charities that support Black education causes and programs throughout America.

Every single time you enjoy a Booker’s Soul Food Starter Kit, part of your purchase helps a Black American attain a quality education.

This soul food is genuinely good for the soul.


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